Inmate Record Check

All County and Police Recent Arrests

Staten Island County

The population of the county according to what was recorded by the census in 2010 is 474,558 and the county was named after Charles Lennox, who was the first Duke of Richmond and became the first Duke of Lennox. The county was first formed in 1661 and the total area is 102.5 square miles. The departments in the county office that help in protecting the lives of the citizens are probation, emergency management, Sheriff’s office, crime investigation, and attorney.

Sheriff’s office

The address is 66 John Street, 13th Floor, New York 10038

Phone number of the office is 718-815-8407

The Sheriff is Joseph Fucito who is also the head of the Sheriff of New York. He takes responsibility for overseeing the law enforcement in civil and criminal cases and provides services to both the City and State courts. The two decades that he has served with the Sheriff’s department has allowed him to make a lot of arrests and give court orders for a variety of major cases in New York City.

Inmate Record Check

All County and Police Recent Arrests

County jail

350 St. Marks Avenue Staten Island, NY 10305

Phone number is 718-815-8407

The visiting hours for this facility are not known, but you can contact the institution if you want more information. You also need to give your name when scheduling a visit to the jail.  

County courthouse

26 Central Avenue Staten Island, NY 10301

The contact number is 718-675-8700

The administrative judge for civil matters is Judith McMahon

The administrative judge for criminal matters is Stephen J. Rooney

The chief clerk is Muchael J. Pulizotto, Esq.

The Law Department takes care of doing legal research, draft preparation, and gives legal advice to the Supreme Court Justices in Richmond County. The person to contact is Jerry Ditata and his office phone number is 718-675-8712

Inmate Record Check

All County and Police Recent Arrests