Moriah, New York Information
Moriah is a town located in Essex County, New York. The town is in the eastern part of the county. The town of Moriah had a population of approximately 4,798 in the year 2016.
The Town Supervisor of Moriah, New York is Thomas R. Scozzafava. Scozzafava can be contacted at (315) 497-1972 or via email at
Thomas R. Scozzafava, Town Supervisor
Town Supervisor’s Office
Town of Moriah
Town Hall
38 Park Place,
Port Henry, NY 12974
Phone: (518) 546-8631
In 2016, the crime-index in Moriah, New York was 35.7, higher than it had been since at least the year 2002, but lower than the national average of 280.5. According to research, New York and other state lists there was 1 registered sex offender living in Moriah, New York as of July 24, 2018. The ratio of number of residents in Moriah to the number of sex offenders is 4,798 to 1.
Open Record Request in Moriah, New York
Contact the Town Clerk for records pertaining to the Town of Moriah.
The Moriah Town Clerk is an elected position and is responsible under State Law for maintaining the custody of all public records for the Town. The Town Clerk serves as the Freedom of Information Officer for the Town of Moriah. To request access to public documents and records, submit a completed Freedom of Information Request Form to the Town Clerk’s Office.
The Town Clerk of Moriah, New York is Rose French. French can be contacted at 518-546-3341 or via email at
Rose French, Town Clerk
Town Clerk’s Office
Town of Moriah
Town Hall
38 Park Place,
Port Henry, NY 12974
Phone: 518-546-3341
The Town of Moriah is located in Essex County, New York.
Contact the County Clerk for records pertaining to Essex County, New York.
The County Clerk of Essex County, New York is Joseph A Provoncha. Provoncha can be contacted at 518-873-3600or via email at
Joseph A Provoncha, County Clerk
Essex County Clerk’s Office
P.O. Box 247
7559 Court Street,
Elizabethtown, NY 12932
Phone: 518-873-3600
Fax: 518-873-3548
Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00am – 5:00pm
County Sheriff, Warrant, Most Wanted Information in Essex County, New York
The Sheriff of the Essex County Sheriff’s Department is Sheriff Richard C. Cutting.
Richard C. Cutting, Sheriff
Essex County Sheriff’s Office
702 Stowersville Road,
PO Box 68
Lewis, New York, NY 12950
Civil Division: 518-873-6907
Jail Division: 518-873-6974
Patrol Division: 518-873-6915
Emergency: 911